Snacks and Food at School
With the planning for treats on Valentines Day, we became aware that the list we refer to ~ ~ has undergone a pretty major re-write and items we have referred to as tree nut and peanut free are no longer listed. The products now listed are not brands we know of and often require ordering. We believe this is because they cannot guarantee the products were produced on allergen free assembly lines.
We are providing the POPULAR PEANUT AND TREE NUT FREE SNACK list we have used for a few years, pulled right off of the former snack safely list for your reference and use.
Please note the disclaimer at the bottom of the page:
These items do not list peanuts, tree nuts and eggs as ingredients on the label, and there are no warnings on the label that the product may contain these allergens, and to the best of our knowledge these products are produced on lines where allergens are not processed.
We only want our kids to be safe. If you have any corners about treats that might be sent in for celebrations, your teacher can send them home with your student and you can review label and info and decide if it fits your student's dietary needs.
This is one of those times when we are doing the best we can with the info we have!
Please feel free to reach out to Nurse Pam (ext. 3030) or our office staff for additional questions.
Take care!